International Monetary Fund


IMF Site Map

About the IMF


What we do

How we do it


Collaborating with others

Organization & Finances


Staff of international civil servants



Borrowing arrangements

Income model reform


Cooperation and reconstruction (1944–71)

The end of the Bretton Woods System (1972–81)

Debt and painful reforms (1982–88)

Societal Change for Eastern Europe and Asian Upheaval (1989-2004)

Globalization and the Crisis (2005 - present)


Governance Structure

Country Representation


Our Work


Technical assistance

Lending by the IMF

On the Agenda

Advocating global fiscal stimulus

Emergency lending to emerging markets

Helping low-income countries fight the crisis

Reforming the international financial system

Who we are


Executive Directors

Senior Officials

Contact us (no nav link)

Statutes and Decisions

Articles of Agreement

By-Laws, Rules and Regulations

Selected Decisions and Selected Documents

Evaluations and Audit

Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the IMF

Evaluations of IMF work

The External Audit Committee (EAC)

Corporate Citizenship

IMF Civic Program

Staff ethics and codes of conduct

Diversity at the IMF

Key Issues

Financial Crisis

Reforming Global Governance



Advanced Economies

Emerging Markets

Low-Income Countries

Technical Assistance

Research at the IMF

Data Visualization

G-20 Surveillance Notes 

Global Financial Stability Report

Researchers at the IMF

Regional Economic Outlook Reports

World Economic Outlook

Country Information

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IMF Regional Reports

Regional Economic Outlook Reports

Capacity Development

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How We Work

Our Partners

Country Examples


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News Briefs

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Public Information Notices


Statements at Donor Meetings


Views & Commentaries

See Also:

Article IV Consultations


Executive Board Calendar

IMF Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

Schedule of Press Briefings and Speeches by Senior IMF Officials

Annual & Spring Meetings

IMF Webcasts


iMFdirect Blog

Public Financial Management Blog

For Journalists

Information of interest to the media

Data & Statistics


Global data

Balance of Payments Statistics (BOPS)

Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)

Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER)

Data Template on International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity

Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS)

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs)

G-20 Surveillance Notes

Government Finance Statistics (GFS)

International Financial Statistics online

Joint External Debt Hub

Monitoring of Fund Arrangements Database (MONA)

Primary Commodity Prices

Principal Global Indicators

Quarterly External Debt Statistics (QEDS)

World Economic Outlook Databases

IMF Financial Data

IMF Financial Data by Country

IMF Financial Data By Topic

Annual Report


Disbursements & Repayments

IMF Credit Outstanding

IMF Financial Activities

IMF Financial Resources & Liquidity

IMF Financial Statements

IMF Financial Transactions

Lending Arrangements

Projected Payments to the IMF

SDR Allocations & Holdings

SDR Interest Rate, Rate of Remuneration, Rate of Charge and Burden Sharing Adjustments

SDR Interest Rate Calculation

SDR Valuation

New SDR Basket

Data & Statistics

Exchange Rates Data

Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions

Exchange Rate Archives

last five days Current Month Archives

Latest Current Month Archives

Standards and Codes

Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB)

General Data Dissemination System (GDDS)

Reports on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSCs)

Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS)

Manuals and Guides

Balance of Payments Manual

Draft Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth edition

External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users

External Sector Statistics

Update of the External Debt Guide on Issues Emerging from BPM6

Real Sector Statistics

Export and Import Price Indices Manual—Electronic Discussion Group

Quarterly National Accounts Manual—Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation

The Treatment of Nonperforming Loans in Macroeconomic Statistics—An Online Discussion

The Treatment of Pension Schemes in Macroeconomic Statistics—An Online Discussion

Government Finance

Government Finance Statistics Manual

Manual on Fiscal Transparency

Monetary and Financial Statistics

Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual

Monetary and Financial Statistics: Compilation Guide (Pre-publication Version)

Meetings and Related Statistical Materials

Statistics Department at a Glance (2014)

Annual Reports

Balance of Payments Statistics Newsletters

Conference website

The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps: Report to the G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors

IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics

Issues for discussion by the Committee

Statistical Capacity Building: Case Studies and Lessons Learned


Task Force on Finance Statistics (TFFS)

Task Force on Harmonization of Public Sector Accounting

Users Conference on the Financial Crisis and Information Gaps

Working Group on Securities Databases

Additional Data Sources

Bank for International Settlements

European Central Bank


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

United Nations

World Bank



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Featured Titles:

GFSR Market Update

Global Financial Stability Report

IMF Annual Report

New Series—Staff Position Notes

World Economic Outlook

IMF Series Titles:

Article IV Staff Reports

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Economic Issues

Finance & Development

Policy Discussion Papers

Regional Economic Outlook Reports

Research Bulletinn

Staff Papers

Survey Online Magazine

Survey Print Edition

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For Civil Society

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The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

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Fraudulent Scam Emails Using the Name of the IMF

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