International Monetary Fund


For Students

Information and online learning activities about the IMF, money, and macroeconomics

The IMF at a Glance

What Is the International Monetary Fund?
A brief introduction to the structure, policies, and activities of the IMF of interest to a general audience.

Economics: Back to Basics
Explaining some basic concepts in economics

EconEd Online
Educational activities and resources, including teaching guides, to help students understand the history of money, macroeconomics, international monetary cooperation, and global trade.

Research at the IMF
Provides a list with links to IMF research activities, publications, working papers, etc. The major areas of IMF research activity include the international monetary system, international capital markets, inflation, stabilization policies, structural issues, developing countries, economies in transition, fiscal issues, monetary and financial sector issues, exchange rate policies and behavior, and statistical issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

See who we are

IMF Archives: Finding Aids
Research tools that help you navigate through descriptions of groups of archival records

For High School Students

IMF in Action
Information and interactive stories. Why do we need the IMF? What does the IMF do? How can the IMF help in crisis? Who Is the IMF?

Money Matters
The Importance of Global Cooperation, an online exhibit

Money Matters Curriculum
Offers a combination of classroom experiences and/or a field trip visit to the exhibit to promote students' understanding of the history of the international monetary system, globalization, international economic cooperation, and the work of the IMF.

Thinking Globally: Effective Lessons for Teaching about the Interdependent World Economy
Eight classroom-tested lessons designed to teach the basics of international economics to high school students, with the emphasis on active learning.

Monetary Mania
Is an online game show that tests your knowledge about money and macroeconomics.

For 5th - 6th Grade

All About Money
Lesson plan preparations for a school visit to the IMF Center located in Washington learn about money, international trade, and cooperation. The entire package can be downloaded for use in the classroom.

Where in the World & What in the World is Money?
Throughout history and around the globe, many different things have served as money. Play this game to find out just what money has been.

Trading Around the World
Play this game to experience the challenges and excitement of international trade.

Additional Resources

IMF Videos
A series of award winning documentaries and public service announcements on economic and social development. Programs that capture the essence of the development challenge and the issues that affect the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people.

IMF Data Mapper®

Finance & Development
A quarterly magazine of the IMF

IMF Survey
Topical coverage of the IMF's activities, policies, and research
