International Monetary Fund


Ethics & Integrity at the IMF


June 17, 2008

The Fund has established a confidential Integrity Hotline for handling allegations of staff misconduct, whether on an anonymous or identified basis, and from internal or external sources. Fund staff are expected to perform their duties in accordance with the Fund’s rules and policies, as guided by the Staff Code of Conduct, and to contribute to the good governance and reputation of the Fund by upholding the Fund’s core standards of probity, integrity, and independence. The establishment of the Hotline will help to further ensure the Fund’s commitment to the highest standards of ethics.

Reporting staff misconduct

Allegations regarding misconduct of Fund officials, staff members, or consultants can be reported by calling the Fund’s Integrity Hotline or submitting a written report. Anyone, within or outside the Fund, may make reports about staff misconduct.

Allegations about staff misconduct can be made by:

All reported matters will be handled by the Office of Internal Investigations for follow-up. All reports, including anonymous ones, will be reviewed. Although telephone calls to the Integrity Hotline will be answered in English, interpreters are available. Persons in North America may prefer to contact the Integrity Hotline through its toll-free number, 1-800-548-5384. Persons outside North America may prefer to contact the Integrity Hotline through the Internet, by submitting an on-line written report, at

The information that you provide must be truthful, accurate and provided in good faith.

Making a report about misconduct

When making a report about staff misconduct, please make your complaint as specific as possible, by including details such as:

  • What type of alleged wrongdoing are you reporting
  • Where and when did these events occur
  • Who is involved or knowledgeable about this situation
  • How was the misconduct committed
  • Why you believe this conduct is improper

Confidentiality and follow-up

If you choose to remain anonymous when submitting a written report or calling the Hotline, no attempt will be made to discover your identity. The Integrity Hotline is operated by an independent contractor under the strictest confidentiality. Calls to the Hotline are not recorded. However, any subsequent investigation is often more efficient, and more likely to lead to corroborative evidence, if the caller can be contacted for further information or clarification of details. We therefore encourage you to disclose your identity and, if you wish, to request that your name be kept confidential. In that event, the Fund will not reveal information about your identity to anyone not involved in the investigation unless the Fund suspects that you have committed or been involved in unethical conduct related to the investigation.

If you have left your name and contact details, staff from the Office of Internal Investigations can provide you with an update on actions taken. However, the confidential nature of complaints may restrict disclosure of details of the investigation.

Supporting documents

Although you do not have to have hard evidence, you can assist by corroborating your report. Supporting documents should be submitted directly to the Office of Internal Investigations. Documents submitted will not be returned.

Documents can be e-mailed, faxed or sent by post.

  • Email:
  • Phone: (202)623-0540
  • Postal Service:
    Office of Internal Investigations
    International Monetary Fund
    1900 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Room No. HQ2-4A-022
    Washington, DC 20431

Whistleblower protection at the IMF

The IMF recognizes whistleblowing as one important way to ensure good governance. Employees and others who report instances of suspected misconduct are fully protected against any form of retaliation. Individuals who use the Integrity Hotline will not be punished, treated adversely, or lose their jobs with the Fund because they asked questions or reported concerns in good faith. Good faith does not mean that you are always right. It does mean that you sincerely believe that you are telling the truth. Your right to be protected from retaliation does not depend upon the Fund concluding that misconduct occurred as you alleged. However, malicious or intentionally false reports will not be tolerated.

Your questions

If you have questions about the Fund’s Integrity Hotline, please contact the Office of Internal Investigations by sending a message to