IMF Research Perspectives

(formerly IMF Research Bulletin)

IMF Research Perspectives is a bi-annual online newsletter covering updates on IMF research and research-related activities. IMF Research Perspectives replaces the IMF Research Bulletin.

Last Updated: July 18, 2019

June 2019 (9864 kb PDF file):  The Spring-Summer 2019 issue of the IMF Research Perspectives explores how technology deals with old questions. Articles discuss the ways technological progress and the increased availability of data have helped in some areas, while presenting new challenges for analyzing various matters. The issue also includes an interview with Gita Gopinath, the new director of the IMF Research Department.

December 2018 (6420 kb PDF file):  The Fall-Winter 2018 Research Perspective looks at “New Opportunities and Future Global Challenges.” As guest editor Marika Santoro notes in the introduction to this issue: “Future challenges will encompass going from a recovery in the housing sector to a new boom. This would not only pose new threats to macroeconomic and financial stability that central banks will have to tackle, but might also contribute to an even wider gap between young renters and wealthier homeowners. Populism has spun off into a new wave of protectionism. As technology and the wave of big data advance, so will the economy and policymaking. New policy measures will have to be supported by more complex sets of data with availability beyond traditional official sources and by new communication strategies. The large repository of data available throughout the digitalized domain provides vast, unexplored opportunities for policymaking. And new opportunities and challenges in the digital era can arise with the possible digitalization of money as we know it.

June 2018 (2443 kb PDF file):  IMF Research Perspectives (formerly published as IMF Research Bulletin) is a new, redesigned online newsletter covering updates on IMF research. In the inaugural issue of the newsletter Hites Ahir interviews Valeria Cerra on issues related to 10 years after the global financial crisis. Research Summaries in the issue cover the rise of populism; economic reform; labor and technology; big data; and the relationship between happiness and productivity. Sweta C. Saxena was the guest editor for this inaugural issue.

September 2017 (891 kb PDF file):  The Fall 2017 IMF Research Bulletin includes a Q&A article covering "Seven Questions on the Globalization of Farmland" by Christian Bogmans. The first research summary, by Manmohan Singh and Haobing Wang, is "Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies: Some Policy Implications." The second research summary is "Leaning Against the Windy Bank Lending" by Giovanni Melina and Stefania Villa. A listing of new IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes is featured, as well as new titles from IMF Publications. Information on IMF Economic Review is also included.

June 2017 (639 kb PDF file):  The Summer 2017 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin highlights new research such as recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes. The Research Summaries are “Structural Reform Packages, Sequencing, and the Informal Economy (by Zsuzsa Munkacsi and Magnus Saxegaard) and “A Broken Social Contract, Not High Inequality Led to the Arab Spring” (by Shantayanan Devarajan and Elena Ianchovichina). The Q&A section features “Seven Questions on Fintech” (by Tommaso Mancini-Griffoli). The Bulletin also includes information on recommended titles from IMF Publications and the latest articles from the IMF Economic Review.

March 2017 (855 kb PDF file):  This issue of the IMF Research Bulletin features recommended readings from IMF Publications and an update on recent IMF Working Papers and IMF Staff Discussion Notes. It also includes a special announcement welcoming Linda Tesar (University of Michigan) as the new editor of “IMF Economic Review.” The Q&A section explores “Seven Questions on China-Africa Relations” (Luiz Almeida, Wenjie Chen, and Oral Williams). The Research Summaries surveys “Income Polarization in the United States” (Ali Alichi, Kory Kantenga, and Juan Sole); and “The Future Wealth of Nations: World Trade in Services” (Prakash Loungani, Saurabh Mishra, Chris Papageorgiou, and Ke Wang).

December 2016 (3703 kb PDF file):  The Research Summaries in this issue of the IMF Research Bulletin cover “Tax Capacity and Growth” (by Vitor Gaspar, Laura Jaramillo, and Philippe Wingender), and “U.S. Shale Revolution and Its Spillover Effects on the Global Economy” (Ravi Balakrishnan, Keiko Honjo, Akito Matsumoto, and Andrea Pescatori). The Q&A coauthored by Amadou Sy and Mariama Sow covers “Seven Questions about the Relationship between Country Finance and Governance.” A listing of recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from IMF Publications is included in the IMF Research Bulletin. Readers can also find news on free-to-view articles from IMF Economic Review and a call for conference papers in this issue of the Bulletin.

September 2016 (5310 kb PDF file):  The September 2016 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin includes the following two Research Summaries: “A New Look at Bank Capital” (by Jihad Dagher, Giovanni Dell’Ariccia, Luc Laeven, Lev Ratnovski, and Hui Tong) and “Does Growth Create Jobs?: Evidence for Advance and Developing Economies (by Zidong An, Nathalie Gonzalez Prieto, Prakash Loungani, and Saurabh Mishra). The Q&A article by Rabah Arezki discusses “Seven Questions on Rethinking the Oil Market in the Aftermath of the 2014-16 Price Slump.” A listing of recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from IMF Publications are also included. Readers can also find an announcement on the 2016 Annual Research Conference and links to top cited 2015 articles in the IMF Economic Review.

June 2016 (1645 kb PDF file):  In the June 2016 issue of IMF Research Bulletin Eugenio Cerutti interviews Lars E.O. Svensson. Lars, a professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, was a Visiting Scholar at the IMF. In the interview, he discusses monetary policy, financial stability, and life at the IMF. The Bulletin also features a listing of recent Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and key IMF publications. The table of contents from the latest issue of IMF Economic Review is also included.

March 2016 (4156 kb PDF file):  The research summaries in this issue are "Explaining the Recent Slump in Investment" (Mathieu Bussiere, Laurent Ferrara, and Juliana Milovich) and "The Quest for Stability in the Housing Markets" (Hites Ahir). The Q&A column reviews "Seven Questions on Estimating Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Low-Income Countries" (Bin Grace Li, Christopher Adam, and Andrew Berg). Also included in this issue are updates on the IMF’s official journal, the IMF Economic Review, and recommended readings from IMF Publications.

December 2015 (731 kb PDF file):  The December issue of the Research Bulletin looks at “Seven Questions about Climate Change” (Rabah Arezki and Akito Matsumoto). The Research Summaries review “Winning the Oil Lottery: The Impact of Natural Resource Extraction on Growth” (Tiago Cavalcanti, Daniel Da Mata, and Frederik Toscani) and “Malaysia: Achieving High-Income Status through Resilience and Inclusive Growth” (Alex Mourmouras and Naimh Sheridan). The issue also includes regular updates on new IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, IMF books, and the IMF Economic Review.

September 2015 (1083 kb PDF file):  The September 2015 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin covers a range of research topics. The Research Summaries featured in this issue are “Lower for Longer: Neutral Rates in the United States” (Andrea Pescatori and Jarkko Turunen) and “Economic Principles for Resource Revenue Management” (Anthony J. Venables and Samuel Wills). The Q&A article looks at “Seven Questions on Financing for Development” (Amadou Sy) and the global development agenda. The issue also includes special announcements on the 2015 Annual Research Conference and the 2015 IMF Annual Report, as well as new IMF publications. Readers will also find a link to a top-viewed article from the “IMF Economic Review”—the IMF’s official research journal.

June 2015 (3552 kb PDF file):  In the June 2015 issue, the Research Summaries review "Migration: An Attractive Insurance Option in African Countries" (Ahmat Jidoud) and "Investment in Emerging Markets" (Nicolas E. Magud and Sebastian Sosa). The Q&A looks at "Seven Questions on Islamic Finance” (Inutu Lukonga). The Bulletin also includes its regular listings of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, as well as information on the "IMF Economic Review." A new IMF eLibrary discussion site on energy and climate change is highlighted, along with new recommendations from IMF Publications.

March 2015 (1024 kb PDF file):  Articles in the March 2015 IMF Research Bulletin focus on the oil market, energy subsidies, and output. The Research Summary on "An Exploration in Deep Corners of the Oil Market," authored by Rabah Arezki, Douglas Laxton, Armen Nurekyan, and Hou Wang, examines fluctuations in oil prices. "The State Budget May Afford It All" by Christian Ebeke and Constant Lonkeng Ngbouana reviews energy subsidies and their fiscal, distributional, and environmental costs. In the “Q&A” column Pau Rabanal takes a look at “Seven Questions on Potential Output.” The Bulletin includes a listing of recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, recommended readings from IMF Publications, and a call for papers for the next Annual Research Conference. A link with information and free access to IMF Economic Review is also included.

December 2014 (1880 kb PDF file):  Features a sampling of key research from the IMF. The Research Summaries in this issue look at “The Impact of Deflation and Lowflation on Fiscal Aggregates (Nicolas End, Sampawende J.-A. Tapsoba, Gilbert Terrier, and Renaud Duplay); and “Oil Exporters at the Crossroads: It Is High Time to Diversify” (Reda Cherif and Fuad Hasanov). Mahvash Saeed Qureshi provides an overview of the fifth Lindau Meeting in Economics in “Meeting the Nobel Giants.” In the Q&A column on “Seven Questions on Financial Frictions and the Sources of the Business Cycle,” Marzie Taheri Sanjani looks at the driving forces of the business cycle and macroeconomic models. The top-viewed articles in 2014 from the IMF Economic Review are highlighted, along with recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and IMF publications.

September 2014 (1273 kb PDF file):  This issue of the IMF Research Bulletin opens with a letter from the new editor, Rabah Arezki. The Research Summaries are a "Primer on 'Global Liquidity'" (Eugenio Cerutti, Stijn Claessens, and Lev Ratnovski); and "Trade Integration adn Business Cycle Synchronization" (Kevin Cheng, Romain Duval, and Dulani Senevirante). The Q&A column looks at "Seven Questions on the Global Housing Markets" (Hites Ahir, Heedon Kang, and Prakash Loungani). September 2014 issue of the Bulletin also includes updates on IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from the IMF Bookstore, as well as special announcements on new staff publications and the Fifteenth Annual Jacques Polak Research Conference. Also included is information on the latest issue of “IMF Economic Review” with a link to an article by Paul Krugman.

June 2014 (574 kb PDF file):  Articles in the June 2014 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin look at “The Rise and Fall of Current Account Deficits in the Euro Area Periphery and the Baltics” (Joong Shik Kang and Jay C. Shambaugh) and “The Two Sides of the Same Coin? Rebalancing and Inclusive Growth in China” (Il Houng Lee, Murtaza Syed, and Xin Wang). The Q&A looks at “Seven Questions on the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Low-Income Countries” (Andrew Berg, Luisa Charry, Rafael A. Portillo, and Jan Vleck). This issue of the Research Bulletin includes updated listings of IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from the IMF Bookstore. Readers can also find information on free access to a featured article from “IMF Economic Review.”

March 2014 (1058 kb PDF file):  The Research Summaries in the March 2014 Research Bulletin focus on efficiency of health expenditure (Francesco Grigoli and Javier Kapsoli) and employment growth in European Union countries (Bas B. Bakker and Li Zeng). The Q&A article looks at “Seven Questions on Financial Interconnectedness” (Co-Pierre Georg and Camelia Minoiu). The Research Bulletin also includes a listing of IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from the IMF Bookstore. Information on the IMF Economic Review—the research journal of the IMF—is also provided.

December 2013 (683 kb PDF file):  In the December 2013 IMF Research Bulletin, the Research Summaries look at “Reforming Dual Labor Markets in Advanced Economies” (Giovanni Ganelli) and “Rating Through-The-Cycle: What Does the Concept Imply for Rating Stability Accuracy” (John Kiff, Michael Kisser, and Liliana Schumacher). The Q&A discusses “Seven Questions on Financial Crises” (Stijn Claessens, M. Ayhan Kose, Luc Laeven, and Fabián Valencia). This issue also includes a listing of recent IMF Working Papers and IMF Staff Discussion Notes, as well as Recommended Readings from the IMF Bookstore. The top-viewed articles from recent of issues of IMF Economic Review are also featured.

September 2013 (699 kb PDF file):  The Research Summaries in the September 2013 IMF Research Bulletin focus on “External Conditions and Debt Sustainability in Latin America” (Gustavo Adler and Sebastian Sosa) and “Monetary Policy Cyclicality in Emerging Markets” (Donal McGettigan, Kenji Moriyama, and Chad Steinberg). In the Q&A, Itai Aigur and Sunil Sharma discuss “Seven Questions on Macroprudential Policy Frameworks.” The Research Bulletin also includes an updated listing of recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from the IMF Bookstore, as well as information on a forthcoming conference. The IMF Economic Review’s new Impact Factor is also highlighted.

June 2013 (1894 kb PDF file):  The June issue of the IMF Research Bulletin looks at the role of IMF programs and capacity building in fostering structural reforms and the economics of Arab countries undergoing political transitions. The Q&A analyzes the neutral interest rate through the experiences of several Latin American countries. The Research Bulletin also includes its regular features: a listing of IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, information on the forthcoming IMF Economic Review and the Fourteenth Jacques Polack Annual Research Conference, and recommended readings from IMF Publications.

March 2013 (714 kb PDF file):  The Research Summaries in the March 2013 Research Bulletin discuss "Trade Finance and Its Role in the Great Trade Collapse" (JaeBin Ahn) and "Sovereign Debt: How to Track Who Is Buying and Selling It" (Serkan Arslanalp and Takahiro Tsuda). The Q&A looks at "Seven Questions on the Implications of Global Supply Chains for Real Effective Exchange Rates" (Rudolfs Bems). Readers can also find in this issue a listing of recent IMF Working Papers, Staff Discussion Notes, and Recommended Readings from IMF Publications. The Bulletin also includes a call for papers for a research conference and information on free access to the IMF Economic Review in April.

December 2012 (690 kb PDF file):  The Research Summaries in the December 2012 IMF Research Bulletin look at "Market Failures and Macroprudential Policy" (Giovanni Favara and Lev Ratnovski) and "Measurement Matters for House Price Indices" (Mick Silver). The Q&A column looks at "Seven Questions on Turning Points of the Global Business Cycle." The Bulletin also includes a listing of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, as well as a list of the top-viewed articles for the first three issues of IMF Economic Review in 2012. Information is also included on a call for papers for the conference "Asia: Challenges of Stability and Growth" to be held in Seoul in 2013.

September 2012 (616 kb PDF file):  The research summaries in the September 2012 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin are "Surges in Capital Flows: Why History Repeats Itself" (by Mahvash S. Qureshi) and "The LIC-BRIC Linkage: Growth Spillovers" (by Issouf Samake, Yongzheng Yang, and Catherine Pattillo). The Q&A covers "Seven Questions on Monetary Transmission in Low-Income Countries" (by Prachi Mishra and Peter Montiel). "Conversations with a Visiting Scholar" features an interview with IMF Fellow Olivier Coibion. Also included in this issue are details on the IMF Fellowship Program, visiting scholars at the IMF, a listing of recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, and an announcement on IMF Economic Review's first Impact Factor.

June 2012 (1381 kb PDF file):  The research summaries in the June 2012 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin are "Public Debt in Advanced Economies and Its Spillover Effects on Long-Term Yields" (by C. Emre Alper and Lorenzo Forni) and "Expansionary Fiscal Contractions: The Empirical Evidence" (by Rina Bhattacharya and Sanchita Mukherjee). The Q&A covers "Seven Questions about Income Inequality" (by Laura Feiveson). Also included in this issue are details on visiting scholars at the IMF, a listing of recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes, as well as information on IMF Economic Review.

March 2012 (1819 kb PDF file):  The research summaries in the March 2012 issue of the IMF Research Bulletin are "Foreign Direct Investment and the Crisis: Is This Time Different?" (by Yuko Kinoshita) and "Food Prices and Inflation" (by James P. Walsh). The Q&A covers seven questions on "Unemployment through the Prism of the Great Recession" (by Prakash Loungani). This issue also launches a new feature "Conversations with Visiting Scholars" with an interview with Tom Sargent, winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Also included in this issue are details on visiting scholars at the IMF, a listing of recently published IMF Working Papers, and information on the next issue of IMF Economic Review.

December 2011 (478 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about about Large Fiscal Consolidation Attempts in the Past and Implications for Policymakers Today (by Fuad Hasanov and Paolo Mauro). The research summaries are "Booms and Busts" (by Roberto Piazza) and " Did Export Diversification Soften the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis?" (by Rafael Romeu). The issue also provides details on visiting scholars at the IMF (mainly from September through December 2011), as well as recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.

September 2011 (377 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about economic recovery after wars or other open conflict (by Antonio C. David, Fabiano Rodrigues Bastos, and Marshall Mills). The research summaries are "Revisiting Capital Controls" (by Marcos Chamon) and "Capital Flows and Financial Stability: Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Responses" (by D. Filiz Unsal). The issue also provides details on visiting scholars at the IMF (mainly from September through December 2011), as well as recently published IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.

June 2011 (335 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions on the global trade collapse of 2008–09 (by Rudolfs Bems); the research summaries are "The Impact of the Great Recession on Emerging Markets" (by Ricardo Llaudes, Ferhan Salman, and Mali Chivakul) and "The Missing Link between Dutch Disease, Appreciation, and Growth" (by Nicolás E. Magud and Sebastián Sosa). The issue also lists the contents of the June 2011 issue of the IMF Economic Review, Volume 59 Number 2; visiting scholars at the IMF during April–June 2011; and recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.

March 2011 (687 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions on the role of precautionary savings in open economies (by Damiano Sandri); the research summaries are "The Macroeconomics of Aid (by Andrew Berg, Rafael Portillo, and Luis-Felipe Zanna) and “The Building Blocks to Measure Inflation” (by Mick Silver). The issue also lists the contents of the March 2011 issue of the IMF Economic Review, Volume 59 Number 1; visiting scholars at the IMF during January–March 2011; and recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Discussion Notes.

December 2010 (364 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about emerging markets and the financial crisis (by Ayhan Kose); the research summaries are "Tax Revenue Response to the Business Cycle” (by Cemile Sancak, Ricardo Velloso, and Jing Xing) and “Banking Crisis Resolution: Was this Time Different?” (by Luc Laeven and Fabian Valencia). The issue also lists the contents of the second issue of the IMF Economic Review, Volume 58 Number 2; visiting scholars at the IMF during October–December 2010; and recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Position Notes.

September 2010 (1191 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions on "How Institutions Shape Financial Markets" (by Bernardin Akitoby); research summaries on "Transmission of the Great Recession from Advanced to Emerging Economies" (by Andrew Swiston) and "Sovereign Debt and Default" (by Emine Boz); the contents of the inaugural issue of the IMF Economic Review; a listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during July–September 2010; and listings of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Position Notes.

June 2010 (607 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about the consequences of financial liberalization (by Kenichi Ueda); research summaries on "Growth and Structural Reforms" (by Lone E. Christiansen) and "Monetary Policy and Asset Prices" (by Pau Rabanal); an article on the IMF’s upcoming 11th Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference; the contents of the latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; a listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during April–June 2010; and listings of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Position Notes.

March 2010 (648 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about house price cycles (by Prakash Loungani; research summaries on "Forecasting Recessions: Consensus and Disagreement" (by Natalia Tamirisa) and "Searching for Robust Growth Determinants" (by Alin Mirestean and Charalambos Tsangarides); the contents of the latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; a listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during January–March 2010; and listings of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Position Notes.

December 2009 (1967 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about political influence and the financial crisis (by Deniz Igan, Prachi Mishra, and Thierry Tressel); research summaries on “Credit Conditions and Recoveries from Financial Crises ” (by Prakash Kannan) and “Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies” (by Turgut Kýþýnbay); the contents of the latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; a listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during October–December 2009; and listings of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Position Notes

September 2009 (655 kb PDF file):  The Q&A in this issue features seven questions about policy options for emerging market countries (by Marcos Chamon, Chris Crowe, and Jun Il Kim); research summaries on “Does Trade and Financial Globalization Cause Income Inequality?” (by Chris Papageorgiou) and “The Current Account of Oil-Exporting Countries (by Irineu E. de Carvalho Filho); an article on the launch of the IMF’s new research journal, IMF Economic Review, and the contents of the upcoming IMF Staff Papers, which the new the new journal will succeed in 2010; an article on the upcoming Tenth Annual Jacques Polak Research Conference; a listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during July–September 2009; and listings of recent IMF Working Papers and Staff Position Notes.

June 2009 (967 kb PDF file):  New Q&A feature in this issue focuses on "Seven Questions about Recessions" (by Marco Terrones); IMF research summaries on financial stress (by Selim Elekdag) and on the real effects of the 2007–08 financial crisis (by Hui Tong); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during April–June 2009; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; listing of contents of Vol. 56 No. 2 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent external publications by IMF staff; and a feature on Staff Position Notes, the IMF’s new policy paper series, including a list of recent papers.

March 2009 (1691 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on measures of financial integration (by Martin Schindler) and on sovereign wealth funds and financial stability (by Tao Sun and Heiko Hesse); regional study on cross-border labor flows in new European Union member states (by Rudolfs Bems); listing of contents of Vol. 56 No. 1 of IMF Staff Papers, a special issue on frontiers of research on financial globalization; a listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during December 2008–March 2009; and a listing of recent IMF Working Papers.

December 2008 (770 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on global herding in financial markets (by Marco Cipriani) and on fiscal decentralization (by Lusine Lusinyan); article on the experiences of IMF staff at the Nobel Laureate Meetings in Lindau, Germany (by Chris Crowe); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during August–December 2008; listing of contents of Vol. 55 No. 4 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; listing of recent external publications by IMF staff; and a Call for Papers for an upcoming conference on structural reforms.

September 2008 (258 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on global population aging and pension reform (by Mario Catalán) and on questions about decoupling (by M. Ayhan Kose); country study on the United States (by Koshy Mathai); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during June–August 2008; listing of contents of Vol. 55 No. 3 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and a listing of recent external publications by IMF staff.

June 2008 (264 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on Latin America’s external linkages (by Shaun Roache) and on reaping the benefits of structural reforms (by Stephen Tokarick); regional study on the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (by Paul Cashin and Evridiki Tsounta); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during March–April 2008; listing of contents of Vol. 55 No. 2 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; listing of recent external publications by IMF staff; and a call for papers for the Jacques Polak Ninth Annual Research Conference.

March 2008 (223 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on foreign direct investment (by Yuko Kinoshita) and on trade linkages and business cycles (by Julian di Giovanni and Andrei Levchenko); country study on Mexico (by Roberto Garcia-Saltos); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during February-June 2008; listing of contents of Vol. 55, Issue No. 1 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and a listing of recent external publications by IMF staff.

December 2007 (229 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on governance of banks (by Luc Laeven) and on whether there is a foreign aid paradox (by Thierry Tressel); country study on Mozambique (by Jean A.P. Clément and Shanaka J. Peiris); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during July 2007-January 2008; listing of contents of Vol. 54, Issue No. 4 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; listing of recent external publications by IMF staff; and a call for papers for the upcoming Conference on International Finance.

September 2007 (221 kb PDF file):  IMF research summary on how globalization affects developing countries (by Prachi Mishra and Petia Topalova); country study on Croatia (by Athanasios Vamvakidis); listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during June 2007-January 2008; listing of contents of Vol. 54, Issue No. 3 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and listing of recent external publications by IMF staff members.

June 2007 (236 kb PDF file):  IMF research summaries on (1) oil market developments and the global economy (by Selim Elekdag), and (2) credit booms (by Marco Terrones); country study on India (by Helene Poirson); call for papers for November 2007 Jacques Polak Eighth Annual Research Conference; listing of contents of Vol. 54, Issue No. 2 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during April-June 2007.

March 2007 (236 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on (1) globalization and macroeconomic volatility (by M. Ayhan Kose), and (2) international financial integration and domestic financial systems (by Thierry Tressel); country study on Germany (by Stephan Danninger); book summary of China and India--Learning from Each Other; listing of contents of Vol. 54, Issue No. 1 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent external publications by IMF staff; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during September 2006-April 2007

December 2006 (319 kb PDF file):  Exit interview with Raghuram G. Rajan, Director of the IMF's Research Department; country study on Canada; summary of June 2006 Vienna conference on trade policy research (European Research Workshop on International Trade); call for papers for April 2007 conference on "New Perspectives on Financial Globalization"; listing of contents of Vol. 53, Issue No. 3 of IMF Staff Papers; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and listing of visiting scholars at the IMF during September 2006-April 2007.

September 2006 (1586 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on (1) measuring inflation, and (2) strengthening Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) programs through poverty and social impact analysis (PSIA); country study on Spain; listing of contents of Vol. 53, Special Issue of IMF Staff Papers, summary of recently published IMF book entitled "IMF-Supported Programs: Recent Staff Research"; listings of recent external publications by IMF staff members, IMF Working Papers, and visiting scholars at the IMF during January-August 2006.

June 2006 (230 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on (1) public investment, and (2) bank transaction taxes; announcement of forthcoming (November 2006) Jacques Polak Seventh Annual Research Conference; country study on Italy; listing of contents of Vol. 53, No. 2 of IMF Staff Papers, summary of recently published book entitled "Divergent Paths in Post-Communist Transformation: Capitalism for All or Capitalism for the Few?"; summary of (January 2006) Warsaw Conference on European Union (EU) enlargement and related flows of labor and capital; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and listing of visiting scholars at IMF, January-April 2006.

March 2006 (630 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on (1) macroeconomic impact of fiscal policy, and (2) pricing of sovereign risk in emerging markets; country study on United Kingdom; listing of recent IMF Policy Discussion Papers; summary of recently published book entitled Emerging Markets and Financial Globalization: Sovereign Bond Spreads in 1870-1913 and Today; listing of external publications by IMF staff in 2005 (continued) and 2006; listing of recent IMF Working Papers; and listing of visiting scholars at IMF, October 2005-February 2006.

December 2005 (261 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on Housing Prices and Macroeconomics and on Workers' Remittances; contents of recent IMF Staff Papers; visiting scholars at the IMF; country study on Turkey; summary of Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference; summary of IMF study on Central America: Global Integration and Regional Cooperation; and titles of recent IMF working papers.

September 2005 (1294 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on population aging and international capital flows, and on rent seeking, institutions, and policy effectiveness; country study on France; contents of recent IMF Staff Papers; visiting scholars at the IMF; titles of recent IMF working papers; listing of external publications by IMF staff in 2005; summary of IMF Pre-Conference on Strategies for Changing Institutions.

June 2005 (160 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on interest rate rules for developing economies, and on labor market performance and policy effectiveness; summary of IMF study on adopting the euro in Central Europe; country study on Indonesia; visiting scholars at the IMF; contents of recent IMF Staff Paper; titles of recent IMF working papers; summary of recent book entitled Postconflict Economics in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from the Democratic Republic of the Congo; summary of the IMF Conference on Trade and Developing Countries.

March 2005 (262 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on inflation and disinflation, and on policy responses to volatile crude oil prices and fiscal dependency; area study on the West African Economic and Monetary Union countries; summary of IMF study on sovereign debt structure for crisis prevention; titles of recent IMF policy discussion papers; visiting scholars at the IMF; summary of recent book entitled The Macroeconomics of HIV/AIDS; titles of recent IMF working papers; call for papers for the Sixth Annual Jacques Polak Research Conference; summary of the Conference on Macroeconomic Policy Challenges in Low-Income Countries.

December 2004 (203 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on deflation and the liquidity trap and growth, policies, institutions, and poverty; area study: Central European Countries; visiting scholars at the IMF; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; summary of IMF study on Chile; titles of recent IMF working papers; summaries of IMF Trade Research Conference and Fifth Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference.

September 2004 (469 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on fiscal rules and financial development in low-income countries: Old questions or new problems? country study: China; visiting scholars at the IMF; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; titles of recent IMF policy discussion papers, working papers, and external publications by IMF staff; summary of IMF conference honoring Michael Mussa.

June 2004 (406 kb PDF file):  June 2004: Research summaries on ten years of NAFTA: Economic integration in North America and on international reserves; summary of new IMF study on China; visiting scholars at the IMF; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; titles of recent IMF working papers; summary of workshop on dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) modeling.

March 2004 (133 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on globalization and synchronization of business cycles and moral hazard versus real hazard; country study: Chile; summary of new study on Hong Kong SAR; visiting scholars at the IMF; summary of Fourth Annual IMF Research Conference and call for papers for Fifth Annual IMF Research Conference; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; titles of recent IMF working papers and policy discussion papers; list of external publications by IMF staff.

December 2003 (116 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on commodity prices and the terms of trade and on reducing structural unemployment in Western Europe; country study: Greece; summaries of new study on hawala and recent books: Who Will Pay? and Russia Rebounds; agenda of Fourth Annual IMF Research Conference; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; summary of Workshop on Macroeconomic Challenges in Low-Income Countries; visiting scholars at the IMF; titles of recent IMF working papers.

September 2003 (188 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on sovereign bonds and public debt management and on international trade; country study: Sweden; summaries of new study on deflation and recent book: Sweden's Welfare State; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; visiting scholars at the IMF; titles of recent IMF working papers; list of external publications by IMF staff.

June 2003 (174 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on early warning systems and assessing IMF program effectiveness; country study: Thailand; the global economy model; summary of financial globalization paper; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers; visiting scholars at the IMF; titles of recent IMF policy discussion papers and working papers.

March 2003 (472 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on shocks to balance sheets and emerging market crises and on banking systems in a financially integrated world; country study: South Africa; call for papers for Fourth Annual IMF Research Conference; summaries of Third Annual IMF Research Conference and Global Linkages Conference; contents of special issue of IMF Staff Papers; visiting scholars at the IMF; titles of recent IMF policy discussion papers and working papers; list of external publications by IMF staff.

December 2002 (769 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on IMF conditionality and country ownership of reforms and on public policies and the Millennium Development Goals; country/area study: Hong Kong SAR; summaries of conferences on challenges to central banking from globalized financial systems and on globalization in historical perspective; agenda of Third Annual IMF Research Conference; summary of September 2002 World Economic Outlook; visiting scholars at the IMF; contents of latest issue of IMF Staff Papers, other IMF research publications.

September 2002 (185 kb PDF file):  Research summaries on sources of economic growth and on capital flows; Country study of Poland; Coverage of a pre-conference on global linkages; Summary of the June 2002 Global Financial Stability Report; Visiting scholars at the IMF; Titles of recent IMF books, occasional papers, economic issues, policy discussion papers, and working papers; External publications by IMF staff.

June 2002 (476 kb PDF file):  Contains summaries of IMF research on the empirical analysis of exchange rates and on pension reform; country study: Brazil; coverage of conferences on (1) National Poverty Reduction Strategies and (2) Macroeconomic Policies and Poverty Reduction; summary of the April 2002 World Economic Outlook; descriptions of IMF publications; IMF working papers; visiting scholars at the IMF.

March 2002 (517 kb PDF file):  Articles reviewing IMF research on dollarization and on the relationship between macroeconomic policies and income distribution; country/area study: The Euro Area; summaries of Second Annual IMF Research Conference and Investor Relations Seminar; list of external publications of IMF staff; IMF working papers; visiting scholars at the IMF.

December 2001 (576 kb PDF file):  Articles reviewing IMF research on capital controls, currency unions, and environmental issues; country study: United States; summary of October 2001 World Economic Outlook; list of IMF working papers; visiting scholars at the IMF.

September 2001 (371 kb PDF file):  Research summaries: growth and trade in Africa, exchange rate-based inflation stabilization; Country study: Russia; Special topic: government finance statistics; summaries of May 2001 World Economic Outlook and August 2001 International Capital Markets report; external publications of IMF staff; visiting scholars at the IMF; IMF working papers, books and other research publications.

June 2001:  Current accounts; fiscal decentralization; commodity prices; Country study: India; seminar on exchange rate regimes; workshop on macroeconomic policies and poverty; IMF working papers, books and other research publications; visiting scholars at the IMF

March 2001:  Exchange rate regimes in developing economies; systemic banking crises; country study: Mexico; conference on fiscal decentralization; First Annual Research Conference; IMF working papers, Occasional Papers and other research publications; external publications of IMF staff; visiting scholars at the IMF; summary of October 2000 World Economic Outlook

December 2000:  Growth in transition; corruption; country study: Japan; conference on the future of monetary policy and banking; IMF working papers, books and other research publications; visiting scholars at the IMF; summary of International Capital Markets Report.

September 2000:  The IMF as international lender of last resort; financial contagion; seminar on financial risks, system stability and economic globalization; IMF working papers and other research publications; external publications of IMF staff; visiting scholars at the IMF; World Economic Outlook summary.

June 2000:  This quarterly bulletin selectively summarizes key components of research done at the IMF and provides a listing of research documents and other research-related activities, including IMF conferences and seminars.