
A Global Picture of Public Wealth

Getting Real on Meeting Paris Climate Change Commitments

High Debt Hampers Countries’ Response to a Fast-Changing Global Economy

New Data on Global Debt, January 2, 2019

Current Fiscal Issues

Fiscal Monitor: How to Mitigate Climate Change (October 2019)

The October 2019 edition of the Fiscal Monitor focuses on the design of fiscal policies for climate mitigation at the domestic and international level.

Fiscal Policies for Paris Climate Strategies—from Principle to Practice (May 2019)

This paper discusses the role of, and provides practical country-level guidance on, fiscal policies for implementing climate strategies using a unique and transparent tool laying out trade-offs among policy options.

A Strategy for IMF Engagement on Social Spending (June 2019)

Interest in social spending issues has intensified over the last decade. This reflects concerns about rising inequality and the need to support vulnerable groups, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. In line with this, the Fund has also increased its engagement on social spending issues. This paper outlines a strategy to guide IMF engagement on social spending issues going forward.

A Strategy for IMF Engagement on Social Spending : Background Papers

This Supplement presents an account of the extensive consultations and the results of various analyses that supported the development of “A Strategy for IMF Engagement on Social Spending.”

A Strategy for IMF Engagement on Social Spending : Case Studies

This paper uses case studies to explore the nature and extent of past IMF engagement on social spending issues and to draw lessons for future engagement.

Strengthening the Euro Area : The Role of National Structural Reforms in Building Resilience (June 2019)

Cross-country differences in economic resilience—in an economy’s ability to withstand and adjust to shocks—remain significant in the euro area. In part, the differences reflect the lack of a national nominal exchange rate as a mechanism to adjust to shocks. The IMF staff has argued that union-wide architectural changes such as the banking union, the capital markets union, and a central fiscal capacity can help foster greater international risk sharing. Yet even these changes cannot insure against all shocks. National policies thus have a vital role to play. This IMF staff discussion note analyzes how national structural policies can help euro area countries better deal with economic shocks.

Public-Private Partnerships in the Caribbean Region : Reaping the Benefits while Managing Fiscal Risks (May 2019)

To provide policymakers in the Caribbean with a governance framework for improving infrastructure through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), while limiting their fiscal costs and risks for the government. And to showcase Canada support to FAD technical assistance in the region and FAD collaboration with CARTAC and the Caribbean Development Bank.

Technical Notes

How to Design Tax Policy in Fragile States
Revenue Administration : Short-Term Measures to Increase Customs Revenue in Low-Income and Fragile Countries
Tax Expenditure Reporting and Its Use in Fiscal Management : A Guide for Developing Economies

Working Papers

Tax Reforms and Fiscal Shock Smoothing
Fiscal Consolidation and Public Wages
Optimal Fiscal Spending and Reserve Accumulation Policies under Volatile Aid
Public Wealth in the United States
Assessing IMF Lending: a Model of Sample Selection
A Buffer-Stock Model for the Government: Balancing Stability and Sustainability
Regional Growth Spillovers in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Long Shadow of the Global Financial Crisis: Public Interventions in the Financial Sector

Country Reports

Republic of Armenia : Fiscal Transparency Evaluation
Republic of Lithuania : Fiscal Transparency Evaluation
Republic of Uzbekistan : Fiscal Transparency Evaluation
Grenada : Climate Change Policy Assessment
Philippines: Public Investment Management Assessment
Republic of Uzbekistan : Technical Assistance Report-Fiscal Transparency Evaluation Update
Republic of Uzbekistan : Strengthening Fiscal Transparency
Republic of Estonia : Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment
Maldives : Reform Options to Strengthen Tax Policy